GURA トークイベント / ものを残すための手立て – 絵画、現代美術の保存修復をめぐって –

【時間】16:30 -18:00
【ゲスト】田口 かおり (東海大学創造科学技術研究機構 講師 / 修復士)
     松永 亮太(東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科文化財保存学専攻博士課程)
【定員】20名 (参加無料・申込不要・先着順)

Public Talk
Means to conserve things—Conservation and restoration of paintings & contemporary art

9.8 (Sun) 16:30 -18:00
Speaker: TAGUCHI Kaori (Lecturer and Conservator, Tokai University Institute of Innovative Science and Technology) 
MATSUNAGA Ryota (Conservation Course of Oil Painting, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts)
Language 日本語(Japanese)

Talk on conservation of paintings and contemporary arts. First half is introduction of Taguchi’s activities and last half is discussion with her, Matsunaga and GURA members.