この度、ASK + POST 所属作家の中屋敷智生は、11月23日(土) から12月14日(土) までの期間、“YIRI ARTS”(台北, 台湾)にて、中屋敷智生個展「内と肉」を開催いたします。
中屋敷 智生 個展
「内と肉 | 內與肉 | Inner Flesh」
会 場:YIRI ARTS 伊日藝術計劃 B1
会 期:2024年11月23日(土) – 12月14日(土)
時 間:14:00-19:00
場 所:台北市内湖区新明路 86 巷1号 114030
M a i l :gallery@ms.yiri.com.tw
W E B :https://yiriarts.com.tw/
レセプション:11月23日(土) 15:00-19:00
■ ギャラリー・インビテーション:YIRI ARTS
中屋敷 智生 | NAKAYASHIKI Tomonari
■ 内と肉:中屋敷智生
■ About 中屋敷 智生
■ 內與肉:中屋敷 智生
■ About NAKAYASHIKI Tomonari
Born in Osaka Prefecture in 1977 and currently residing in Kyoto City, I graduated from the Kyoto Seika University School of Fine Arts, majoring in Western Painting, in 2000. Since then, I have participated in numerous exhibitions and art fairs both domestically and internationally. Alongside my artistic activities, I also manage an artist-run alternative space and organize group shows.
In recent years, I have been using washi tape as a medium, just like paint, resulting in a series of paintings that feature layers and textures reminiscent of collage. Through this technique, where the relationship between figure and ground constantly shifts, I explore the uncertainties of visual perception and seek to transcend the traditional dichotomy of painting and viewer. I would be grateful for the opportunity for you to take a look at my work.
■ Inner Flesh:NAKAYASHIKI Tomonari
One day, while out for a walk, a thought casually crossed my mind: “The characters for ‘inner’ (內) and ‘flesh’ (肉) are strikingly similar.” This sparked my curiosity to delve deeper into the connection between these two words.
The characters for “inner” and “flesh” are not only visually alike but seem to share a conceptual similarity as well: both point inward. However, this inward orientation cannot exist in isolation; the presence of an external counterpart is a necessary precondition. The inner and the outer are interdependent, coexisting through their opposition.
This perspective draws from the philosophical concept of “place” (場所) introduced by Nishida Kitaro. “Place” serves as the foundation for all existence to manifest, transcending dichotomies such as subject and object, inner and outer, body and spirit. In this context, “place” dissolves opposition, functioning as the root where all becomes one. Thus, within this framework, the inner and outer are unified.
The act of gazing at a painting operates similarly, encompassing both inner and outer elements. At first glance, this gaze seems directed outward, toward the painting as an object—something external. Yet, in truth, it transcends the dichotomy of subject and object. Painting creates the “place” where this pure gaze becomes possible, and I aspire for my works to embody such a space where the flow of gazes converges and intertwines.